BCLL Mission
Boulder County Latina League provides scholarships to college bound Latina/o students from first generation and low-income backgrounds. Scholarships are open to all qualified students regardless of immigration status.
About BCLL
BCLL is a non-profit organization, committed to expanding access to higher education for Boulder County Latino/a students. Founded in 1999 by a group of women who recognized the need for increased college support for Boulder Valley and Saint Vrain Valley School district scholars, BCLL has awarded over 500 Scholarships. Awards range from $750.00 to $2,000.00 each, totalling nearly $800,000.00 Scholars receive funds for each year they are in college as long as they meet annual requirements. All scholars attend public Colorado Community Colleges and Universities.
Through sustained collaborative efforts, many colleges have provided matching scholarship funds throughout the years. These colleges have included Front Range Community College, Metropolitan State University, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Colorado System.
BCLL is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit and 100% of donations are fully tax deductible and go directly to scholarships.
Each grant contributes to a dream fulfilled for
our student scholars and their families.

Voices of 2021 rising college seniors.
(Video producer: Alma Hinojosa)