Adelante! Celebrates 25 years

Adelante! Program at Boulder High School Celebrated
25 Years of Student Achievement
The Adelante! Program at Boulder High School celebrated its 25th Anniversary by hosting a community reunion on April 25, 2019 at 6PM in the BHS cafeteria. This inclusive event brought together Adelante! alumni and current students, as well as staff and community partners in celebration of the program’s 25 years of student achievement. At least 150 people were in attendance to enjoy a traditional Mexican dinner while listening to speakers. In attendance were representatives from Congressman Neguse’s office, the City of Boulder, the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County, Boulder Rotary Club, Zonta Foothills, I Have a Dream Foundation, Intercambio, Colorado Education Association, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder County Latina League, Former State Senator Dorothy Rupert, YWCA, BVSD, and several current and former BHS administrators and staff.
The celebration was an opportunity for supporters and program graduates to celebrate alumni accomplishments including college, careers and families. Graduates, including Penny Sánches and Pati Hernandez, presented inspirational talks on how they got to college and career. Other speakers included Gabriella Martinez and Hillary Culbertson, former tutors and mentors of the program, who have since started their own Adelante! programs at their respective schools, Fairview High School and Centennial Middle School. We shared good news about Latinx achievement in Boulder Valley and re-committed to continuing our ongoing urgent work in the field of educational equity and access. The night concluded with presentations from some current Adelante! seniors: Jonny Arellano, Stephanie Herrera, Xitlaly Longoria, and Antony Sosa.
“Adelante! to me means hope. When I first came to high school I was scared for the future. The Adelante! program gave me hope to get through those obstacles. I am going to take that hope and confidence with me to college at CU Boulder next year to become a math teacher.”--Jonny
Media coverage included KGNU, Daily Camera, The Advocate publication of the Colorado Education Association, The Community Foundation’s blog and more. In every case, the City of Boulder’s Human Relations Commission was highlighted as a sponsor.
Thank you again for your continued support of Boulder High School’s Adelante! Program’s first-generation students!
Appreciation From Students
Dear Boulder County Latina League,
Thank you for allowing me to be a recipient of your scholarship. This has helped me continue my education without money being a barrier and for that I am very grateful. I will continue to work hard so I can keep earning this scholarship. Thank you once again!
-Dulce Valle
Dear Latina League Donors,
My name is Lucy Canales and I am currently a freshman at Metropolitan State University. I am hoping to major in Business Management or psychology since I am still undeclared. When i was in High School, I was involved with Zonta club! Now I have joined the Golden Zonta club and am hoping to work on more service projects this year.
Words cannot express how thankful I am for this scholarship. Your generosity has inspired me to help others by giving back to my community. I hope one day I can help in the future (especially first generation students) just like you guys have helped me.
Thank you once again, Lucy Canales
Dear Boulder County Latina League,
I would like to thank you for being able to award me with your scholarship throughout my four years of attending Metro State. This is my senior year and with your guy’s scholarship, I have been able to continue my career at the university level and persue a career in my major. I have tried my best to maintain good grades and a good GPA in order to be able to apply for your scholarship opportunity every year. All my hard works seems to have paid off. My next step is to become a police officer. As I pursue my career, I will remember how much your funding helped me. Thank you so much.
Irvin Sierra
Greetings Boulder County Latina League,
My name is Gabriela Lopez and I am one of the scholarship recipients for 2018-2019. I want to deeply thank you all for the financial support I have been given these past two academic years. Without your support, it would have been difficult for my family and me to pay for my education. Thank you for acknowledging my efforts with this scholarship.
-Gabriela Lopez
Like the BCLL Board, we know you are proud and supportive of our students with DACA (Deferrred Action for Childhood Arrivals) status. In these trying times, when there are so many unwarranted attacks on our community members who are immigrants we all struggle with identifying positive actions we can take. We found the following website that provides some excellent resources for allies and advocates. Ann Scarritt, BCLL Board Member

Above: Maria Martinez and Johana Campos. Upper right: Jonny Arellano and Antony Sosa. Below: Laura Ordaz, Principal Dr. Hill, Marisa Ramírez, and Stephanie Herrera

Great Job!
The office of Joe Neguse, Congressman for the 2nd District of Colorado, sent Letters of Congratulations to each BCLL Scholarship awardee last year. We appreciate that he noticed the hard work that these students have put into their studies and work to get to where they are today.